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Roof Maintenance Tips: Things To Do To Maintain Your Roof

Worker fixing the roof

Roof maintenance is an essential aspect of home ownership that ensures the longevity and durability of the roof. Seasonal roof care can prevent costly repairs and severe damage to the home’s interior caused by leaks and other issues that may arise due to neglect. A well-maintained roof can also increase the home’s energy efficiency and provide better protection against extreme weather conditions. Therefore, all homeowners should prioritize regular maintenance to ensure their homes stay safe, comfortable, and functional for years to come.

In this blog, we will provide homeowners with a comprehensive roof maintenance checklist of essential tasks to do to help them maintain their roofs. The checklist consists of tasks for both the exterior and interior of your home including shingle, flashing, chimney, and tree and branch maintenance. The blog will also provide tips for scheduling routine maintenance and explain how often maintenance should be done. So, without further ado, let’s get to it!

Roof Work Safety First

When it comes to roof work, safety should be your top priority. Taking the necessary precautions can help prevent accidents and injuries, and ensure that your roof work is completed safely and successfully. Here are some tips for staying safe while working on your roof:

  1. Use proper safety equipment: Wear a hard hat, slip-resistant shoes, and a safety harness if you are working on a steep roof. Also, use a sturdy ladder that extends at least 3 feet above the roofline.
  2. Be aware of the weather: Do not attempt to work during inclement weather or high winds. Wet or icy surfaces can be slippery and dangerous.
  3. Use proper tools: Use tools specifically designed for working on roofs, such as brackets and jacks, to ensure your safety.
  4. Use caution when using power tools: Be cautious when using power tools and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Know your limits: If you are not comfortable working on your roof, do not attempt to do so. Hire a professional instead.
  6. Have a buddy system: Having someone with you when you are working can help you in case of an emergency, plus they can contribute.

Begin With A Roof Inspection

Starting with a thorough inspection of the entire roof is the best way to maintain your roof and catch any issues early on before they turn into bigger and more expensive problems. Here’s how to conduct an exterior and interior roof inspection:

  1. Exterior inspection: Start by inspecting your roof from the outside. Walk around your property and look for any signs of damage, such as broken, missing or loose shingles, cracked flashing, or debris on the roof. Use binoculars if necessary to get a closer look. Check the gutters and downspouts for any blockages or damage too.
  2. Interior inspection: Next, head inside your attic or crawl space to inspect the underside of the roof. Look for any signs of water damage, such as water stains or mold growth. Check for any holes or gaps in the roof deck or insulation. If you see any light coming through, it could indicate a hole or gap in the roof.
  3. Check for proper ventilation: Adequate ventilation is essential to maintain the longevity of your roof. Check to make sure there are vents at the eaves and the ridge of the roof, and that they’re not blocked or damaged.
  4. Make any necessary repairs: If you notice any damage or issues during your inspection, make the necessary repairs promptly. This could include replacing missing or damaged shingles, repairing flashing, or clearing gutters and downspouts.

Keep Your Roof and Gutters Clean

Gutter cleaning is an important part of roof maintenance, as clogged gutters can cause water to overflow onto your roof or back up under your shingles, leading to water damage and other problems. They can also create an ideal environment for pests, such as rodents and insects, to nest and breed.

Here’s how to keep your roof and gutters clean:

  1. Start by cleaning your roof and gutters at least twice a year, in the spring and fall. You may need to clean them more frequently if you have a lot of trees near your home or if you experience heavy rainfall.
  2. Use your hands, gutter scoop or trowel to remove leaves, twigs, or other debris from your gutters.
  3. Check your downspouts for clogs, and use a plumber’s snake or other tool to clear any blockages. You can also flush your downspouts with a garden hose to help dislodge any debris.
  4. Inspect your gutters for damage, such as cracks or loose connections, and make any necessary repairs. Damaged gutters can cause water to leak onto your roof, leading to water damage and other problems.

Trim Overhanging Branches

Overhanging tree branches can cause a number of problems for your roof if they are not properly maintained. They can scrape against your roof, causing damage to your shingles and other roofing materials. They can also provide a pathway for pests, such as squirrels and raccoons to access your roof and cause damage. In addition, overhanging branches can trap debris and moisture against your roof, which can lead to mold and other problems. Here’s how to trim branches:

  1. Start by inspecting the trees around your home to identify any branches that are overhanging your roof. Look for branches that are close to or touching your roof, as well as any that are dead, diseased, or damaged.
  2. Use pruning shears or a hand saw to remove any small branches or twigs, and a chainsaw for larger branches. Make sure to cut them at the joint where they meet the trunk of the tree, as this will promote healthy growth.
  3. Dispose of the branches properly, either by composting them or taking them to a local landfill or recycling center.

Flashing Maintenance

Flashing maintenance can help prevent water from seeping into your home through gaps around the roof valleys, edges, and other vulnerable areas. Here’s how to maintain your flashing to help ensure your roof remains watertight:

  1. Check for damage: Inspect the flashing regularly, especially after severe weather events. Look for signs of damage, such as cracks, rust, or holes.
  2. Repair or replace damaged flashing: If you find any damage, repair or replace the flashing as soon as possible. You can repair small cracks or gaps with roofing cement or sealant, but larger or more significant damage may require a professional roofer to replace the flashing.
  3. Clean the flashing: Debris and dirt can accumulate on the flashing over time, leading to damage and leaks. Use a soft-bristled brush or low-pressure water to clean the flashing.
  4. Ensure proper installation: Flashing must be installed correctly to ensure it functions as intended. If you’re installing new flashing or having it replaced, make sure it’s installed correctly by a professional roofer.

Check For Leaks In the Attic or Ceiling

Checking for leaks is an important part of roof maintenance, as it can help you identify and address any problems before they cause significant damage to your home. Here’s how to check for leaks:

  1. Start by checking your attic or crawl space for signs of water damage, such as mold, mildew, or water stains on the ceiling or walls. These are indicators that there may be a leak in your roof.
  2. After a rainstorm, check your attic or crawl space again for signs of water infiltration, such as damp insulation or water on the floor. This will help you identify any areas where water may be penetrating your roof.
  3. If you notice any leaks, water stains or dampness, take immediate action to address the problem. This may involve patching a damaged area of the roof, replacing damaged shingles, or repairing or replacing damaged flashing.

Chimney Maintenance

  1. Chimneys maintenance is also necessary to f avoid potential hazards. Here’s how to maintain your chimney:
  2. Inspect the chimney: Inspect your chimney regularly for signs of damage or wear and tear, such as cracks, loose bricks, or missing mortar. Check the chimney cap and make sure it’s in good condition.
  3. Clean the chimney: Chimneys need to be cleaned regularly to remove creosote buildup, which can cause chimney fires. You can always hire someone to clean the chimney and inspect it for any damage.
  4. Check for water damage: Water can cause significant damage to your chimney, especially if the chimney crown or flashing is damaged. Inspect the chimney for any signs of water damage, such as stains or mold.
  5. Repair any damage: If you find any damage during your inspection, repair it promptly to prevent further damage. This could include repairing cracked bricks, replacing missing mortar, or fixing a damaged chimney cap.
  6. Install a chimney cap: A chimney cap can prevent water from entering the chimney and keep animals and debris from entering the flue. Install a high-quality chimney cap if you don’t already have one.

Mold Removal

It is important to remove mold as part of regular roof maintenance because mold can cause significant damage to your property and pose a health risk to you and your family. It can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and other health issues, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems. Here’s how to remove mold from your roof:

  1. First, identify the source of the moisture that is causing the mold to grow. This may involve inspecting your roof and attic for leaks or other damage that is allowing moisture to penetrate your home.
  2. Use protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and a mask, to protect yourself from exposure to mold spores.
  3. If the mold is confined to a small area, you may be able to remove it yourself using a solution of bleach and water. Mix one cup of bleach with one gallon of water and use a scrub brush to clean the affected area. Rinse the area thoroughly with water and dry it completely.
  4. For larger areas of mold or for more severe cases, it may be necessary to hire someone to remove it for you. These companies have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely and effectively remove it.

Prevent Ice Dams

Ice dams are a common problem that can occur during the winter months, especially in areas with heavy snowfall. They form when heat from your home melts snow on your roof, which then refreezes at the edge of your roof, forming a dam. This can cause water to back up and leak into your home, causing damage to your roof, walls, and ceilings.

Here are some tips to prevent ice dams:

  1. Keep your attic well-insulated: Proper insulation can help keep heat from escaping through your roof, preventing snow from melting and ice dams from forming.
  2. Improve ventilation: Make sure that your attic is properly ventilated, which can help regulate the temperature and prevent ice dams from forming.
  3. Remove snow from your roof: Using a roof rake or snow removal tool, remove any excess snow from your roof after a heavy snowfall.
  4. Seal air leaks: Seal any air leaks in your attic, such as around vents and ducts, to prevent warm air from escaping and melting snow on your roof.
  5. Install heat tape: Heat tape can be installed along the edge of your roof to help melt any ice that forms.

Wall Cladding and Windows Must Be Tight

Checking that nearby wall cladding and windows are watertight is important because water can seep through gaps and cracks in the cladding and windows and cause damage to your home’s interior walls and ceilings.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Check the condition of the wall cladding: Check for any cracks, gaps, or missing pieces in the wall cladding. If you find any, seal them with caulk or weatherstripping to prevent water from seeping in.
  2. Inspect the windows: Check the condition of your windows and look for any gaps or cracks. Seal any gaps or cracks with caulk or weatherstripping to prevent water from seeping in.
  3. Check for water stains: Look for water stains on the walls and ceilings near your roof. If you find any, it may be an indication that water is seeping in through gaps or cracks in the wall cladding or windows.
  4. Repair any damage: If you find any damage to the wall cladding or windows, repair it as soon as possible to prevent water from seeping in and causing further damage.
  5. Hire a professional: If you are unsure of how to properly seal gaps or cracks in the wall cladding or windows, hire someone to do so. They can ensure that the work is done correctly and prevent water from causing damage to your home.

Roof Repair vs. Roof Removal

One important decision you may need to make is whether you should repair or replace your roof. Here are some factors to consider before doing so:

  1. Age of your roof: The age of your roof is a critical factor in deciding whether to repair or replace it. If it is nearing the end of its lifespan, it may be more cost-effective to replace it rather than repeatedly repairing it.
  2. Extent of damage: The extent of damage to your roof is another factor to consider. If the damage is limited to a few shingles or a small area, repair may be sufficient. However, if the damage is extensive, a full replacement may be necessary.
  3. Cost: Cost is always a factor to consider. While repair may be less expensive in the short-term, a full roof replacement may be more cost-effective in the long-term if the repair costs continue to add up.
  4. Energy efficiency: A new roof can improve the energy efficiency of your home by reducing heat loss and air leakage. If your roof is old and inefficient, a replacement may be worth considering.
  5. Building codes: Keep in mind that building codes may require a full replacement if a certain percentage of the roof is damaged or if the roof is at the end of its lifespan.


Regular roof maintenance is crucial for the longevity and durability of the roof, which is essential for protecting the interior of the home. Neglecting roof maintenance can result in costly repairs and severe damage caused by leaks and other issues. A well-maintained roof can also increase the home’s energy efficiency and provide better protection against extreme weather conditions. Furthermore, keeping the roof clean and and your trees well-trimmed can prevent the accumulation of debris and moisture, which can lead to mold and other problems. Homeowners should prioritize regular roof maintenance to ensure their homes stay safe, comfortable, and functional for years to come.